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River Forest Trail

Destinations: An easy drive from Echuca Moama through Mathoura to Picnic Point, either back to your starting point at Echuca Moama, or onwards joining the Edward River Trail towards Deniliquin.

Suggested Time: 6 hours

Distance: 55km or 110km loop

Driving Time: 45 minutes or 1.30hr loop

Explore the Port of Echuca

Start your day at the Port of Echuca, wandering the historic streets, visiting blacksmiths and other signs of colonial life. Head to the Discovery Centre and book a ride on one of the gorgeous paddlesteamers.

While you’re waiting for the boat ride, learn about the history and importance of Echuca and the Murray at the impressive interactive museum. There are several options for your paddlesteamer adventure; just choose the one with a starting time and duration that suits you.

Once your Murray cruise has finished, head to one of the cafes along High Street for a fresh morning tea before hitting the road and heading north through Moama and up the Cobb Highway.

Picnic Point on the Murray

Head to Mathoura and drive 10 minutes east to Picnic Point, a fabulous little spot on a V-shaped bend, right where the Edward River branches off from the Murray. Here you can learn about the history of the Timber Cutters’ Run, stroll riverside tracks or launch your kayak. If you’ve brought your rod and tackle, Picnic Point boasts excellent fishing.

Have lunch at The Timber Cutter Redgum Café Bar, a rustic restaurant featuring a magnificent riverside deck and serving generous meals.

Mathoura stroll

Back towards Mathoura, take the Forest Drive and stop off at the Reed Beds Bird Hide which features a raised boardwalk, signage, and interactive information regarding the spectacular birds in this area. If you’re quiet, you might be lucky to see pelicans, kingfishers, yellow rosellas, ibis, spoonbills, superb wrens, swans, cormorants, and ducks in the wetlands here.

Just a minute up Millewa Road and you’ll be at the Edward River, another lovely spot to kayak, fish or just relax by the river. It’s dog-friendly too, if you brought your four-legged friend along for the ride.

Onwards or back?

From here, you can decide whether to head back to Echuca Moama on the Cobb Highway, or continue north towards Deniliquin and beyond on our Edward River Trail.

Download the trail guide here

Follow the Edward River Trail

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