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Koondrook Barham Redgum Statue River Walk

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Contact Koondrook Barham Redgum Statue River Walk

  • 15 Murray Street, Barham, 2732, Australia
  • Website
About More Info

Take a leisurely stroll down the Redgum Statue walk as it meanders along the banks of the Murray River through the towns of Koondrook and Barham.

Admire the exceptional craftsmanship of the gorgeous statues which depict the pioneer men and women of the district along with the iconic wildlife of the area. These works of art were carved out of local red gum by world renowned chainsaw carvers Kevin Guilders and Angela Polglaze.

A brochure accompanies the walk and includes a guided map and information on each statue. You can pick up a brochure at the many food and retail businesses in towns across the shire.


  • Walks


  • Disabled access available, contact operator for details.