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The Howlong Police Station & Court House

Contact The Howlong Police Station & Court House

  • Hawkins Street

Howlong's first police station was opened in 1857. In 1879 a combined Police Station and Court House was erected. The brick building was located between the existing Police Station and the Bush Fire Brigade building. It originally consisted of a court room, magistrates room, clerk of petty sessions room, police station, two cells, walled exercise yard and an officer in charge residence. All were incorporated under one roof. The building served the people of Howlong for 83 ears before being demolished in 1962.

In 1879 the Post Master reported that the telegraph line has been severed. Word went around that the culprits were connected with the notorious Kelly Gang. AS a result six (6) additional police were stationed at Howlong. They were still waiting for the gang to turn up twelve (12) months later.