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List an event

Are you running an event in Deniliquin or the Edward River Council area? Great! You can apply for an event listing at the Australian Tourism Data Warehouse and get exposure on more than 150 qualified websites around the country, including

Click here to find out how to create your event listing guide

Click here to list your event

Event submission criteria

Events must be:

  • located within Deniliquin or surrounding Edward River area
  • open to general public
  • of broad appeal to the community and visitors
  • focused on leisure or tourism (promotional, business or educational events not accepted)
  • suited to one or more of the website's categories
  • confirmed (events with TBC dates or venues cannot be listed)
  • submitted by the event organiser or authorised agent

We reserve the right to decline events that don't meet the above criteria. Please note that event approval can take up to five business working days.