If all things machinery is your passion or love the local history, a visit to the Oaklands Vintage Machinery Museum is a must-do when visiting North of the Murray.
With an eclectic and fascinating collection of vintage machinery and free admission all year round, you won't want to miss a tour.
For more details or a guided tour of the museum, contact Peter Kerr on the number supplied.
Scattered around the museum you will find the Oaklands Peoplescape.
Named for the public art installation arrayed on the lawn of Parliament House, Canberra to celebrate the Centenary of Federation, Oaklands displays its own life-sized steel figures of significant local identities. A number of the Oaklands figures were accepted and displayed at Parliament House in 2001, before returning home to be displayed in front of the Oaklands Vintage Machinery Museum. All of the figures commemorate locals, with the most painted entirely by locals.